• Statement is very true. Everytime my grocery store asks for donations at the cash, I just tell the cashier no and the billion dollar company should just do it themselves and not use me as a tax write off.

      They typically are shocked and don’t know how to reply. It’s quite amusing.

        • I do…don’t ask me to donate to a billionaire if you don’t want to hear my reason why I don’t. It’s always polite, you idiots seem to think I’m being an aggressive asshole.

          • As if the cashier is trying to engage in a discussion of class. As if they aren’t paid to ask. Just say no and feel secure with your own reasons without having to justify yourself. It’s like when I worked at ace hardware in high school and every boomer would need to tell me how dumb it is to phase out incandescent light bulbs. Trying to preach to someone about your convictions against their will is so pointless and annoying.

            • Or…I can address questions that are asked to me and provide me reasoning in a non condescending way to hopefully educate others on the subject…

              Who’s preaching…I’m not starting the topic of discussion, they are. In your words, they are being paid to start this conversation. I don’t go shopping to be asked to give money for nothing, so if they open with that discussion they will know my reasoning for not donating.

              Don’t see what your frustration with manufacture changes has to do with a company directly begging for free money from its customers but ok…

              • They must start the topic to have the job. They likely already know. They likely don’t care. Your game forces them to pretend to care. You are holding them hostage because their genuine reaction would be to ignore you but they can’t do that while working. You are causing them mental pain. You are forcing them to be something they aren’t until you leave.

                • And? No, the company’s game forced them to care by paying them to care. The company initiated contact with me, so I continued it. They are literally being paid to talk about this. I’m not holding them hostage at all.

                  Your mental paid is a retarded exaggeration. I’m sure the companies do way worse mental attacks then me calling their company shit

                  Also their company is forcing them to be someone and something they aren’t. I’m not. I’m playing along with THEIR bullshit.

                  You think your standing up for the cashier’s, but really your standing up for billionaires who would gladly kill you and sell your body for profit. Good job.

                  • It’s like blaming an ethernet cable for giving your computer a virus.

                    The designer of the virus is the asshole, and you would be the idiot who went to the website.

                    You are right that mental pain is an exaggeration, but it’s the accumulation of insufferable interactions that make you hate retail. When 25% of people expect you to act for them, you feel like a puppet. YES the business demands this, but the customer invokes it. So don’t invoke it and let workers sigh relief when you decide not to try to “test” their company response. Is this really that complicated?

          • As others have said, you can only write off money you donate. They didn’t donate it, you did.

            Even if you gave it to them then they donate it, they’d have to count it as income and pay tax on it then donate it to get the tax break. But that’d just cancel itself out anyways.

            I have no idea why they ask for donations. Best guess is pr.

          • For years and years I thought that was how this worked. That you said you wanted to round up, and all of the money collected went into a pool that the company then used as a tax write off in one lump sum. So they were stealing your tax write off basically.

            Nope, that’s not actually how it works in the US (can’t speak for other counties). If you round up your transaction for charity, you’re eligible to write it off on your taxes as charity. Do most people? Nope. But could they? Yes! And some people even do save their receipts for this purpose.

            The company doesn’t get to write it off as their donation, because it’s not. For them it’s pretty neutral, they’re receiving funds and transferring them on behalf of the people who donated them.

            Note: I can’t speak for companies that do donations for nonprofits related to them. I assume it’s still neutral for them, since you definitely still can use it as your own tax write off, but I haven’t looked into that side.

            • The foundations are usually owned by the companies begging for money. They don’t do it to help the world, they do it for profit at their non-profit orgs.

              Pittance for the kids

              Raises for the ceos

              •  arglebargle   ( @westyvw@lemm.ee ) 
                110 months ago

                It’s much worse. Several companies orchestrate the giving for all those other companies.

                Except they are all for profit.

                The havenconferences and lectures and help gather more donations which they take a piece of… for profit.

      • Annoyed as fuck and wanting you to leave.

        Not shocked. Have a lot of replies, but not allowed to call anyone the R bomb either, so they’re usually holding their tongues.

        Being an asshole to the worker is the exact opposite of taking a “sharp witted and coy” shot at billionaires, but is just really fucking stupid.

        Thank you AnarchKaren.

        •  FiveMacs   ( @Fiivemacs@lemmy.ca ) 
          10 months ago

          Who said I was an asshole about it…stop assuming stuff, makes you stinky.

          The real asshole is the BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY ASKING FOR HANDOUTS and using underpayed employment to do it…