• I bought a new iPhone 6 for $200 when they were a couple years old. I used it for 3 years and was pretty happy with it. The idea that iPhones are more expensive than android is about 10 years outdated. You do get higher specs for the price with android but it doesn’t make a huge difference unless you’re trying to be bleeding edge.

      • I don’t really want to do anything with apps besides camera, photos and a web browser, steam link, discord, garageband and various apps I have to install like my medical apps, so that’s fine with me. I used to alternate between Android and iOS every time I bought a phone and I gave up after the Galaxy S9. I bought the S9 because it theoretically had a better camera than the iPhones I was comparing too, but the camera app was far inferior so that didn’t work out. I don’t use any peripherals, and have no desire to connect my phone to Windows… so, works great for me.