• Sure, in general yes. But in reference to the comment, writing a check they would already have my name address and some reference to my bank account details even without the online account, which implies a high degree of trust.

        If I need an account to read an article on a website? Then I’m not interested in reading your article.

        • V true. I was think more along the lines of any sort of cash, debit, check transfer that doesn’t involve accounts or folks skimming money off the top rather than checks specifically when interpretting the meme.

      • Every account need a valid mail direction, ofte als with 2FA a phone number, both pretty easy to track in the network. Every website know your ISP, your public IP, your OS and a lot of other data which they can store and sell it to third parties for commercial reasons. Never create an account if it is not essential for you.

        • Pretty sure that a company that I would otherwise write checks to with my name address and phone number already has the lion’s share of those details. My IP address and operating system are the least of my concern in that case.

          Hiding my IP address from the power company seems like a limited improvement.