• Exactly.

    Me: poor as fuck. Tries to be kind, be grateful. Grow food. Share. Fuckingfeedingpeoeple.

    Billionaires: how do we make biofuel out of neualinked catatonic undesirables as a more humane way of genocide? fucking matrix milking machining people.

    This is actually a real fucking thing. And, oh, heh, look, it’s JD Vance and his puppet master, Peter Thiel, with the rest of the gang.


    • I’m definitely not rich. Not by a long shot. I might not be poor, but compared to the rich, I’m very poor.

      I feel like, insane statements like “nobody will work if they don’t earn money from it” or similar drivel is entirely derived from the rich asshole capitalists own minds. What they mean to say is that they wouldn’t, and can’t imagine anyone would want to work if not for the accumulation of wealth. They lack imagination.

      The key differentiator is that us (relative) poors need to work to live. If we didn’t need to work to live, many still would, simply to help others. I certainly would.

      • Once you start down the rabbit hole (not the white rabbit hole elon loves), you will find there are a lot of thumbtacks and lots of string that are all connected and ready to strangle the world.

        I spent a few years on the bird site… Did some things. Met some people. Learned some things. Shared some things.

        The more you know… Can be a curse.

        Knowledge is power, but it’s a heavy, heavy, heavy load we do not forget.

        We will not forgive.

        And, now, we return to the show:

        eLon Hubbard, Jordan Petersinovich, Joe stRoganov

        Petey and fElon (he seems to have found some hair in recent years)

        The PayPal Mafia
