• If you live in a society where you work a 40 hour week and you STILL can’t afford basic things like shelter, food, utilities and healthcare, then the rich are stealing too goddamn much from you.

          • Exactly.

            Me: poor as fuck. Tries to be kind, be grateful. Grow food. Share. Fuckingfeedingpeoeple.

            Billionaires: how do we make biofuel out of neualinked catatonic undesirables as a more humane way of genocide? fucking matrix milking machining people.

            This is actually a real fucking thing. And, oh, heh, look, it’s JD Vance and his puppet master, Peter Thiel, with the rest of the gang.


            • I’m definitely not rich. Not by a long shot. I might not be poor, but compared to the rich, I’m very poor.

              I feel like, insane statements like “nobody will work if they don’t earn money from it” or similar drivel is entirely derived from the rich asshole capitalists own minds. What they mean to say is that they wouldn’t, and can’t imagine anyone would want to work if not for the accumulation of wealth. They lack imagination.

              The key differentiator is that us (relative) poors need to work to live. If we didn’t need to work to live, many still would, simply to help others. I certainly would.

              • Once you start down the rabbit hole (not the white rabbit hole elon loves), you will find there are a lot of thumbtacks and lots of string that are all connected and ready to strangle the world.

                I spent a few years on the bird site… Did some things. Met some people. Learned some things. Shared some things.

                The more you know… Can be a curse.

                Knowledge is power, but it’s a heavy, heavy, heavy load we do not forget.

                We will not forgive.

                And, now, we return to the show:

                eLon Hubbard, Jordan Petersinovich, Joe stRoganov

                Petey and fElon (he seems to have found some hair in recent years)

                The PayPal Mafia


            • People like to contribute to society because it feels good. People will respond positively to you if you contribute, and you will feel good about yourself. and you will feel like you’re part of something bigger, that you matter not just to yourself but to others too. Look at how much voluntary work is being done in society in all sorts of fields, this is being done for these reasons, not for money. You could argue, that this is mostly in certain fields, and most work would never be done for free. For instance a lot of volunteers are care-givers, and it’s easy to see why this is very rewarding. But would people go into the mines to mine coal just to benefit society. Well no, in our society as it is certainly not.

              But could it be that we’re conditioned to think about our society in this way? In our society people get paid to do such things, it would feel very wrong to us, if people usually get paid for dirty work, that suddenly this would need to happen voluntarily. That would obviously be really unfair. But we could try to imagine what a world would be like without money. If you live in a community that functions like a sort of small anarchist communist society, and you’ve never heard of money or being paid for stuff, then it’s not hard to imagine someone caring about the well being of his community and wanting to contribute for previously mentioned reasons: feeling good about contributing, having a certain status because of contributing. It’s easy to see how people currently think, but it could very well be that people currently think a certain way because things currently are a certain way. And that if the world would be different, people would also think and behave different.

              Surely in any case there will be a limit to the ‘working extra hard’, and it might be different from where the limit is for people in our current system. But that doesn’t have to be a negative. Competing to gain as much money as you can often goes far beyond what seems healthy. Money is such an integral part of how our society functions that for many it’s become a sort of obsession. When thinking of how you could live a successful life some people can only think: if I earn a lot of money, then I’ll be successful. And obviously this is bollocks. You’re free to define life success by whatever measures you deem important, but comparative study will show that the ones who earn most aren’t always the ones that feel most happy and fulfilled. Focusing solely on money often just stems from an insecurity, if it’s just money than I don’t have to really think. It can feel comfortable to not have to think because this objective of earning as much as I can is predefined and I can try to optimize my performance based on that. I think a lot of people can see how that’s a very lacking view on how to live, and it certainly won’t be the most rewarding strategy for life if you want to feel happy and fulfilled.

              • I agree with most of what you are saying, but it just doesnt work as a system in our current cultural framework. There has to be an exchange of value added to money given, its not perfect but there just is not a way to do it better differently without discouraging going above and beyond.

                • it just doesnt work as a system in our current cultural framework

                  True. But our current system fits our cultural framework, because it has shaped it to be the way it is. That in itself is no reason to stick with it. Not saying this can easily be changed. But we shouldn’t lose sight of far away possibilities just because they seem far away. It’s worth it striving for a better world.

  • i just want a small property with a yard and a couple trees and room to grow some plants and tinker on projects

    if only i didn’t spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on avocado toast in my 20s

    • I just don’t want to be homeless when I am old. That’s all I want. Having food and housing. A two room apartment for me and my husband would be nice. If I can use the public transport on top of that, I’m all set. A three room apartment would be a luxury and being able to go out every once in a while would be absolutely astronomical.

      (I also want to have healthcare but I am in Germany so I got that going for me which is nice. )