But F the poor I guess

  • I know this could be controversial, but in some countries immigration is quite a problem, there isn’t enough work for everyone and the crime just gets higher an higher plus they do it illegally, not quite the same even though I get y’all sentiment

    • there isn’t enough work for everyone

      Immigrants induce demand for goods and services just like anyone else, thus the jobs to render those goods and services.

      the crime just gets higher and higher

      Technically depends on the country but this is usually false.

      plus they do it illegally

      Law is not morality. Perhaps it shouldn’t be illegal.

      • I always hated the legal argument. No landmass was ever historically conquered /populated / taken over / whatever through “legal immigration” except by indigenous peoples of those lands. These immigrants are trying to find better lives for themselves and their families and it’s horrible that people refuse to show any empathy for their struggles or dreams

      • I’m just not going to talk to someone who thinks he’s morally superior just because he will never admit he’s wrong even if he is plus you don’t know our situation

    • It’s not controversial, it’s just wrong. Immigration never takes jobs away, it always allows to create more jobs by inflating the local economy. Miami absorbed Cuban migrants after Mariel, and went richer. It has been widely studied now: immigrants took first low paying jobs that were understaffed, it injected more money in the local economy and it allowed spouses who were not working because they were doing the low paying jobs for free (nannying for instance) to get back to high paying jobs, it injects more money… Same in Germany with Syrian intake

      • It doesn’t always work out man, I live it in first person, they don’t integrate don’t work because we need every last job we have and distrust public peace