But F the poor I guess

  • I think you missed the point there, they were talking about all men. If deportation prevents rape, that should, by your logic, endorse deporting any and all rapists. Also let’s throw in there that rapists come in all genders, so basically prevention through group deportation would leave us with a pretty empty country. (And who would take us in, then, as that would make us migrants ourselves?)

    Edit: I am unsure if I interpreted your comment as intended - with “only the one who do something wrong”, were you refering to the sentenced migrants, or the sentenced men in general?

    • I was referring to migrants, if a man of my country rape i will gladly escort him to jail personally. But if an illigal migrant does it why should we keep him, just give him back. They are only 8% of our population and they commit 36% of the crimes, police report as of 2015. Npw they are more like 10% and the crime rate skyrocketed

      • A lot of other aspects aside, “giving him back” (which is weirdly objectifying of migrants, as if people were the property of any nation) could in many cases easily equate to issuing a death sentence. For me, that is reason enough - but I suppose your overall view on the right to live might differ.

        • I think to each their own home, if you are not willing to pute the effort to make your home a better place you don’t deserve much, plus I love more my fellow citizen than some other person mostly criminals