You might boot laptops straight into a cloud OS in the future

  • I will keep giving it a go. I mean, I’ve been trying to get into Linux for like 25 years 😂

    What I mean by windows being easier to recover from, if there’s ever an issue, is that it has multiple layers of restore, repair, and other modes that are very user friendly.

    Just installing a simple app in Linux often involves numerous lines in the terminal. My wife would 1000% never be able to use Linux. LMAO

    Mind you, I’ve only really tried various flavours of Ubuntu, so many there’s a better distro for me.

    • You don’t need to use the terminal to install a program at all, at least on Debian with KDE Plasma. You can either download a .deb file and install it with the graphical deb installer, or you can open the software centre (Discover for KDE) and search for it. You can even add extra repositories graphically (and for Debian, you probably are going to want to enable the non-free repo by doing this, which I think has a tick box).

      I’ve also never had Linux break on me, unless I broke it myself after poking things I shouldn’t poke.

      • Yes, when deb files exist, I go for that! There have been instances where I’m following a tutorial for whatever I’m looking to do, and it’s always terminal commands. I grew up using DOS, so i get PTSD when I see the terminal 😂

        As for breaking, i don’t remeber the distro (a major one), but I’d have instances where after some time the ram use would just grow and grow until everything came to a halt. Even with 32gb of ram i was having this happen often enough that i had to stop. I do still think my desktop pc still has linux installed as a dual boot with windows, but I’ve been using a laptop exclusively for a long while.

        I’ll still continue to try. My computing needs aren’t excessive and i lived with a chromebook for years as a daily driver before getting a windows laptop.

    • Installing software is one of the big blockers I see with people, especially when they’re used to downloading a random executable from a website somewhere. (haha! Anyone remember Tucows?) Ubuntu has also been making their installation worse lately with pushing Snaps, which always seem to be only partially integrated into the rest of the system. I have been playing a bit with Flatpak distributed software and it seems to work well, with some nice UIs to browse the various repos. I’m also a fan of AppImage for the ease of distribution. But yeah, just the fact I have to type this out means it’s quite different and yet something else to learn.

      Good luck with your Linux adventures! :)