You might boot laptops straight into a cloud OS in the future

  • For hardware: I haven’t tried on a surface but actually avoided getting one for the problems I’ve heard with compatibility. I got a brand new Asus gaming laptop a couple years ago and had some driver issues in the first month or two, but those were taken care of in new kernel versions that came out… Now everything on it works flawlessly.

    For software: I can only think of one instance that I couldn’t get working… Chivalry 2. But that was a year ago, there’s a solution out there to get it working now. Otherwise, 90% of the time, things that aren’t normally built for Linux work when I run them through Bottles (uses wine/proton). The other 10% typically require some work, but nothing others haven’t already resolved online for me to leech off for a quick easy solution. For games, protondb is an amazing resource.