• This is proof that you only watch mainstream media and think you know everything. This is the problem. You never even considered researching the opposite opinion, and you think it just doesn’t exist.

    And people wonder how censorship makes people more ignorant.

    • This is proof that you only watch mainstream media and think you know everything

      The person you replied to made no such claims and even no implications in their comment. Your ego-maniacal idea that people cannot have differing opinions on things and that they must be less intelligent than you is borderline concerning. You need help.

        • You know what? I’m not gonna respect somebody who calls me a dumbass and asks what’s wrong with me over a fucking internet discussion. You can go fuck yourself. I’m just not pursuing anything further when somebody resorts to insults and rage-baiting when somebody dares go against their personal narrative. Think that you’re smarter than everybody else if you want, that just means you’ll get more people like me refusing to engage with you.

    • Stop strawmanning my position in your head. The most often anti climate change scientist I saw quoted was Richard Lindzen. Who’s position seems to be CO2 causes global warming but it’s not as bad as most people predict, but his claims have been refuted repeatedly so please show me the sources you are using. They did a study to investigate his iris effect, his claim being this would cool the planet counteracting the CO2, the study found the iris effect would cause further warming. So again if you aren’t just a troll at this point what book or source are you getting this information from?

      • I have argued with otherwise intelligent people who sound exactly like the person above. It is a strange contrarian mentality with no basis in the science as they claim. I once even took up the challenge from someone who said I was afraid to investigate the “other side”. I read every single thing he sent me and they were all rubbish. Not a one of them even support the claims he made. When I responded saying this just fired back that I was brain-washed or carrying water for commies or other such inanities. It became clear after a while that he did not even understand the basics of the greenhouse effect or how CO2 and other gasses cause it. I was utterly flabbergasted.

        long story short : the person above may have the degrees they claim but they are not educated on this subject. It is so simple even a layman can understand it so they have no excuse.