browsing through All has so much pro-fascist posts coming from lemmygrad that it drowns out all the other instances. I’m surprised they’re even federated by default but we should have an option to block instances from All if lemmy is deadset on federating with them just because they are fascists with a red and yellow flag…

(before the Tankies start posting about how they aren’t pro-fascism “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy” which all describe the Z movement in Russia they gleefully support in multiple posts)

  • Lmao, that’s the funniest thing i read all day.

    Not to mention you can do it. Click on settings, there will be a tab “blockades”. Write what you want and voila you won’t have to rack your brain ever again with concepts that make your imperialist programmed brain too uncomfortable.

    I would recommend getting back to reddit though.

  •  ysu   ( ) 
    172 years ago

    Yeah, I just browsed all for the first time in a while, and its just lemmygrad. First post is about how Russia is “liberating” Ukraine. Literal fascists.

    •  Amicese   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      Yeah, I just browsed all for the first time in a while, and its just lemmygrad. First post is about how Russia is “liberating” Ukraine. Literal fascists.

      Oh god here we go again. Calling Russia, a country that just wants it’s borders left alone a fascist. Meanwhile calling NATO, a organization from the same country that filled Ukraine with Nazis, wholesome democratic fighters.

      •  NXL   ( ) OP
        2 years ago

        just wants its borders left alone

        so it invades another country, and promotes insane nationalism where supporters spray paint their Zwastika on homes of people who are against the war… Russia’s ruled by a government that made it illegal to be gay in public, essentially decriminalizes domestic abuse against women, and funds far right nationalist around the world (like the U.S. did to ruin almost every Latin American country in the past). If you had any friends living in Russia you’d know its currently ruled by dictator who promotes far right christian nationalism even if you didn’t believe all the “CIA propaganda” from western outlets.

      • Your comment is factually incorrect… Russia has been expanding its borders for a long time and Ukraine wasn’t the first violation. There is a war now because Russia violated Ukraine’s borders.

        Ukraine is also not full of Nazis. Some exist, but they are few in number. Russia has more crazy right wing fascist types than Ukraine does and the Russian government actively encourages this. Putin is a type of right wing nationalists dictator.

              • Right like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a “claim”… ? I understand why you would assume I’ve never been to this part of the world, but I do in fact live here. The place I live is basically a Russian colonial asset, and China has started colonizing it recently too, although Chinese culture is not yet very influential here. Because of where I live I experienced first hand the right-wing conservatism that Russia exports, and has exported since the time of the USSR, that Russians are a superior nation, a superior white race, have a superior language and culture, that Asians are subhumans, that homosexuals are evil, Jews are evil, and so on… people are forced to go to nationalist rallies and marches, adore their “leader”, and all that wonderful stuff. You don’t even want to know the fucked up stuff that goes on in primary schools, where most of this stuff starts. Anyway I could go on but I’ve never seen fascism as up close in my life than when I moved to the Russian sphere. I’ve had neighbors “disappear”, coworkers going into hiding after the police saw them at a political rally and then came to their workplace, and more. You would never want to live here just stay in North America or Western Europe or wherever it is Lemmy communists are from. You can play make-believe with your first world communism, but over here in Asia it’s a different story. I was surprised when I moved here I thought the local communist party would be some kind of progressive organization and then I found out it’s a bunch of conservatives who want Russian colonialism to be revitalized.

                •  krolden   ( ) 
                  2 years ago

                  Because of where I live I experienced first hand the right-wing conservatism that Russia exports, and has exported since the time of the USSR, that Russians are a superior nation, a superior white race, have a superior language and culture, that Asians are subhumans, that homosexuals are evil, Jews are evil, and so on…

                  You do realize Russia is part of asia, right?

    •  NXL   ( ) OP
      2 years ago

      they also have a community dedicated to brigading other websites which seems like it should violate TOS if it werent for all the stars on their instance it would be difficult to tell them apart from a MAGA forum

    • Seems to me this is the whole point of having a decentralized platform. Instead of people moaning how they don’t agree with the way a particular instance is run, they can join another instance or run their own. This post is about being upset that people see things differently from them, and trying to police that.

    •  NXL   ( ) OP
      2 years ago

      that is not a solution. the main mastodon instance didnt continue to federate with gab etc and tell people to change instances. because the default instance shouldn’t federate with pro-fascist instances. We shouldn’t federate with them by default and if is deadset on federating with them because they hide their fascism under a communist flag users should atleast be able to block the instance

      •  Ninmi   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        One of the biggest, if not the biggest benefits of federation is that you can easily change administrators while staying on the same network.

        Only Gargron wants to run a flagship instance. Lemmy devs have made it very clear their instance has certain specific purposes and that they don’t intend it to be the main instance. I’m just wondering if we should remove the invite-request friction for a little while in Beehaw and Sopuli to take the weight off of and so that the admins there can keep federating with Lemmygrad if they really wish.

        It would probably be best to recreate some of the communities made in elsewhere and actually contribute there. I really think your best bet is to just contribute elsewhere.

      • Currently there’s this message coming from admins that is no longer flagship instance.

        I totally support blocking instances but while this feature is unavailable, we can help build new flagship instance.

        I’m sorry if I sounded too rush, it is indeed not a solution, just a workaround for current situation.

        Anyways, thank you for raising important questions, cheers

      •  Lenins2ndCat   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        It’s not a default instance and comparing a communist site like lemmygrad to a site utterly dominated by actual fascists like gab is the stupidest thing I’ve seen this week.

      •  lisko   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        Actually that is the solution. won’t block lemmygrad because the same people are behind both so the two instances are together. Even if you block lemmygrad there are users who know it’s blocked and so they make accounts on where they know they’ll have a larger audience and also sympathetic admins will back them up. Here you can’t tell the truth about any communist government past or present.

        Lemmy was designed to be federated. Federation is the main solution to these types of problems. Nobody needs to feel like they have to use

        However I also agree with your feature request. It would be useful.

  • Fascism is (…) which all describe the usa, which has oppressed most of us all our lives long. Anyone who works against the usa works against Fascism.

  •  Lenins2ndCat   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    (before the Tankies start posting about how they aren’t pro-fascism “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy” which all describe the Z movement in Russia they gleefully support in multiple posts)

    This would also describe America.

    So unless you want to ban all liberals and supporters of America (which would mean you) you need to tighten your funtionally useless definition of fascism. You should start by reading an actual book and learning the history of fascism.

    When you misuse the word fascism to describe things that are not fascism you mis-educate huge wide swathes of people on what fascism actually is. In doing so you HELP actual fascists rehabilitate their ideology. You are helping fascists by calling something that is not fascism, fascism.

      • I’m not cheering it on either. Some elements of the left are, some aren’t. That’s ok. I can understand some of our younger marxist-leninists getting caught up in it. The vast majority of MLs are quite critical and reflect a position closer to Cuba’s official statement on the matter.

        What I critically support is what brings the fastest end to the bloodshed of the people. That right now is a swift victory because clearly the west wants Ukraine to sacrifice the entire population in a war that it can not win, for the interests of the US. I would much prefer for negotiations to happen immediately and for things to stop right now but that clearly is impossible as the political opposition to the war within Ukraine has been entirely suppressed by the far right, all anti-war parties have been banned, and all tv channels that do not push a pro-war position have been closed. The only narrative that exists is the drums of war, and this makes it completely impossible to negotiate an end to the war.

        • weird that you think ukraine should just accept “swift victory” by the fascist Z army but dont think cuba should just accept “swift victory” by the US or Palestine by Israel etc…

          none of the countries should accept “swift victory” by those invading and trying to commit genocide against them. You should unequivocally stand against imperialism but you dont because right now the ones invading wave a flag you like.

          • trying to commit genocide against them

            That’s not what is happening and only an idiot or a person that genuinely wants to help real fascists would say this, which is what I suspect you actually are but I will humour the bullshit anyway for the sake of whatever audience might come across this.

            When you misuse words like fascism and genocide you help the people who are REAL fascists and performing REAL genocides by muddying the meaning of these terms in the understanding of the wider public. You harm opposition to real genocides.

            Misuse of the term genocide is also acknowledged to be a form of soft holocaust denial. Calling something a genocide that does not actually reflect the very real horror of what genocides really are is extremely harmful to the real sufferers of genocide.

            You should unequivocally stand against imperialism but you dont because right now the ones invading wave a flag you like.

            Invading a country is not imperialism and this war was not started on imperialist grounds. Imperialism is an economic system, an elevated form of capitalism (the highest stage) in which finance-capital has evolved to such a point that it has seized control of the state and directs all of its actions. This war started due to longstanding security issues between nato and russia that could not (or would not) be resolved by either side coming to a head because Ukraine was the subject of a coup in 2014 that sparked a civil war that was ongoing for 8 years before Russia stepped in.

            But this is all besides the point. I don’t give a fuck about the states involved. I care about the people. You are advocating for something that will kill many many tens or hundreds of thousands more people in order to defend a state. I already acknowledge that all of the states involved are bad, states are bad and states do bad things, that’s literally why I’m a communist and seek a world in which we can abolish states entirely.

            I support whatever scenario brings about the lowest number of casualties to the people, whereas you support sacrificing the people to protect the state. You support this because it aligns with US interests. You genuinely do not give a fuck about the real human lives involved and the fact that you pretend to is quite frankly disgusting to me.

  • Tbh this is basically my problem, too much political content, I’ve blocked all the sublemmies I can but seeing that the default user experience isn’t this streamlined is a big problem I have for not recommending Lemmy to anyone.

    I see it as a divide between people who want to enjoy tech/privacy version of Reddit, and people who want it to be Twitter but their own tribe, this goes for Wolfballs, and Lemmygrad.

            • So the NSA AND a bunch of corps are spying on us? Thats obviously less worse than just the state monitoring your com’s.

              Seems much worse to me since the corps don’t just give your data to the government, theysell it en masse for advertising purposes.

            • That’s all tied under US surveillance. The PRC has its social media operations and tech companies too. Basically everything you hate about the USA, they are doing it too

              •  m532   ( ) 
                2 years ago

                They are not flying over half the globe to murder people there. They do not murder the poor. They do not create neonazis. They do not exempt the rich from laws. They do not let people die from covid. They do not force people to have a car. They have a no first strike nuclear policy. They do not have school shootings. They do not have police that protects school shooters. They do not have hollywood. They do not have melon husk. They do not have a history of genociding a whole continent. They banned bitcoin mining. They did not create facebook. They do not have 100s of military bases. They did not privatize their space sector.

                • This is not entirely accurate, but you are right that they haven’t developed to that stage yet of invading countries on the other side of the world, but if the power level gets high enough that’s exactly what will happen. USA was also where China is at now and it took a while to get to that point. China has its own version of some of the things you mentioned, and some other things that are not pleasant. Your optimism that China will be a better hegemon than past ones in history is sadly naive.

      • which is like the most anti-privacy organization on the planet.

        China passed new data privacy laws that are as strong as Europe’s GDPR at the end of last year, when is the last time America improved data privacy instead of harming it? Their data protection is much much stronger than America’s and much like europe they dump fines in the millions on companies that break it now. It’s arguably stronger than europe.

          • The US government has backdoors into every single US-based tech platform (which is basically all of them) and you’re concerned about China doing mass surveillance?

            You are under mass surveillance. Five Eyes and other intelligence sharing alliances are a means of circumventing national privacy laws, the US has Britain do mass surveillance on US citizens and then that data is shared to the NSA and stored, the US does mass surveillance on British, NZ, Aus citizens and then that data is shared to them and stored by their intelligence services. The collective west has the largest and most comprehensive global mass surveillance apparatus in the world and yet you’re utterly obsessed with China. Why? Five Eyes, Nine Eyes and it’s now all the way up to Fourteen Eyes.

            Take off the propaganda goggles and look at the immense proportions of the western apparatus first. You seem to be utterly blind to the fact everything you see about China is MASSIVE projection from the west who are 20-30 years ahead of China in terms of this apparatus.

            And to answer your question, China’s law does not exempt the government. They require a warrant to access that data unlike in america and parts of europe.

            • Your whataboutism is pretty useless. China also uses its tech companies for spying. China’s mass surveillance program is larger and more ambitious. If anyone has been duped by propaganda it’s you.

              •  Lenins2ndCat   ( ) 
                2 years ago

                “Whataboutism”. Bruh.

                If you say something is bad you are INHERENTLY making a comparison to other things. You can not call one thing bad without benchmarking it against other things and gauging a comparison of a range of good to bad.

                It is important to benchmark this because it highlights unexamined chauvinism, sinophobia and internal hypocrisy that you have. You have an extreme emotional reaction to anything Chinese and make the claim they’re horrific but you don’t actually compare the reality of the west with what China is. You claim they are the worst, you have done this multiple times in the thread, this is YOU making the comparison to others so OF COURSE I’m going to examine whether your comparison is remotely accurate.

                I will end this interaction by pointing you to this list of US atrocities, managed by Dessalines himself.

                Tell me again how China is the worst one here.

                Do you spend this much time attacking America? Or the rest of the west? No you don’t. Despite the fact they are objectively and measurably worse. Because you’re a chauvinist that has never done one ounce of self crit or examined your own contradictions.

                • I’ve criticized America much more than I ever criticized China. You are hypocritically collecting lists of US crimes and not Chinese crimes. Hmm I wonder why you neglect that. Oh yes confirmation bias.

                  Anyway your assessment of me is baseless. Keep harping on that dumb claim that I hate China.

  • The views on lemmygrad are very much outside the general acceptable norms for the English speaking internet.

    Even if you agree with their views, you must admit that it is very off putting for most people who come to

    I think the purpose of a default instance should be to showcase the software, not to showcase the current community (which is dominated by lemmygrad users right now)…

    I think either:

    1. We should have a new default instance.
    2. Have no default instance.
    3. should stop federating with lemmygrad.

    Personally I have been using and promoting Lemmy less because I find the lemmygrad content off putting. I feel a similar way about this content as I did about place like r/thedonald in 2016.

    • I think lemmy should be the default because its where the developers are, and its users are pro-anarchist and pro-communist. but it should stop federating with lemmygrad because of the constant admiration for fascists (they dont support fascism in general but they do support fascists as long as they see them as “anti-west”)

    • The views on lemmygrad are very much outside the general acceptable norms for the English speaking internet.

      Sorry, what? Why should that matter?

      Even if you agree with their views, you must admit that it is very off putting for most people who come to

      We target a specific niche. You’re entirely free to use an instance that better suits your views, and introduce other instances to your friends that better suit their views.

      Have no default instance.

      There is already no default instance. has a lot of users, but that’s it. We have been explicitly saying that it’s not the default instance for a while now.

    •  Faresh   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      We should have a new default instance.

      There should be no default instance. That just leads to people all collecting on a single instance.

      Have no default instance.

      There already is no default instance. isn’t an instance that aims to be for everyone. should stop federating with lemmygrad.

      If you don’t like them federating with that particular instance you may want to look at other instances that better fit you.

      The only thing that I think could be changed is the name of Its name and the fact that it is the biggest instance may lead to the false conclusion that it is in some way supposed to be the default instance. Maybe should be modified a bit to suggest a lot more random instances.

      Maybe for the “All” there could be a sort type made available that favours posts coming from less active instances. That could make the smaller instances more popular (favouring decentralization), and reduce the by some excessive perceived noise that may come from some instances in the all tab.

  • I support this feature. But Wikipedia is not an authority on what fascism is. The dictionary attempts to describe the usage of a word in this case as it relates to an objective phenomenon. Before we can attempt this description, an understanding of the objective phenomenon must be had. We can rely on definitions for understood phenomena like water, jogging, or birds. But what exactly fascism is is a hotly debated topic, not a well understood phenomenon that we hold absolute knowledge and certainty of. Even your dictionary source admits it is a characterization of fascism, not exactly a definition.

    A conservative will reason discursively that Hitler was a leftist, because the Left can be defined as more government, so Fascism is far left. In the same way, that buzzfeed employee could argue their own view of what misogyny is. To them, when a man spreads their legs in public, this is the sexist act of manspreading.

    What these people (and you) are doing is taking a word that has a strongly negative connotation, arguing for an expanded categorization of this word in an attempt to rub off that connotation on something else. But all this succeeds in doing is devaluing said word.

    Fascism has a negative connotation because its consequence was the death of 60-100 million people. That has nothing to do with Bernie supporters wanting to give people free healthcare. The “more government” connection (what even does ‘more government’ mean?) has to be proven more than circumstantial. Likewise, sexism has a negative connotation because of rape, women in the past not having basic rights like the right to vote, etc. But a man letting his balls get some air has nothing to do with that, even if people find it a little rude.

    They have algebraically replaced a world phenomenon with a term, much like a mathematician replaces a quantity with the letter ‘X’ on paper. Then they have discursively reasoned using the term, not the phenomenon. You can find the length of a square’s side from the root of the area. We have a square that is 4 cm2. So what is √4? Math tells us that it is ±2. So a square in real life can have a negative length? This is the lunacy that you will accept with analytical reasoning if you do not understand its premises.

    So instead of lazily giving us a definition full of nebulous terms, why not prove to me that any similarities between modern Russia and the Fascist countries are more than circumstantial? What is the unity behind these particular examples? All states are militaristic. All states suppress real opposition. Authoritarianism is no realer than the boogeyman. Russia does not have a “strong regimentation of society” so you’re just flat out wrong there.

  •  krolden   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    147 (now 148) comments on this crap. Why is it we can’t seem to get a liveley discussion like this but on a topic that isn’t some crybaby infighting?

    Really feels like some reactionary bait that lemmygrad users are swallowing whole.