•  Cowbee   ( @Cowbee@lemmy.ml ) 
    2 months ago

    It’s always funny when liberals come from Reddit because the profit motive slowly ruined everything that once made Reddit fun and disruptive, but then absolutelty mald about Marxists and other leftists once they get here, the explicitly leftist answer to Reddit.

    It’s especially bad on !Lemmy.world, where the majority of users are too idealistic to stay on Reddit but not well-versed enough in leftist theory or practice to actually engage with most of Lemmy.

    It’s even goofier when these same liberals think they are leftists, but then still get upset at Marxists, and even Anarchists.

    •  Liz   ( @Liz@midwest.social ) 
      52 months ago

      not well-versed enough in leftist theory or practice to actually engage with most of Lemmy.

      The problem is that if your political world view requires actual study in order to understand and promote, you’re never going to get anywhere when it comes to affecting real change. Most humans don’t give a shit. You have to give them something simple and easy to make the core of their political identity. In our society capitalism has a head start because it’s baked into the school system, but you don’t get the luxury of forcing everyone to learn how you economic system works.

      • It really doesn’t require much study to understand and promote. You can go as deep as you like, but the underlying principles are straightforward and rather obvious, like class dynamics.

        Additionally, Capitalism doesn’t have any “edge” over Socialism - it’s in a steady state of decline, has been declining, and appears to continue to decline. Capitalism cannot be permanent, it does not have a head start, and there is no need to force everyone to understand how Socialism works.

        That’s really my point, you have these knee-jerk reactions because you are unfamiliar with the topics at hand, and do not appear to have tried to understand them further. The inevitability of Capitalism’s decline means you don’t need to be forced to understand Socialism by anyone, you’ll either learn on your own or will ride the tide.

        You probably won’t agree with what I have said, but that’s more a choice you personally make, on whether to engage or disengage, and that’s fine.

    • The tankies that they keep complaining about are just your traditional Marxist-Leninists saying Marxist-Leninist things.

      I think some Lemmy users like the image of being communist without actually subscribing to orthodox communist viewpoints. Just accept that you’re not one, there’s no shame in it.

      • I agree, you should see how mad the liberals got when I told them that the term leftist means someone who is against capitalism, not just people more left than elected representatives. Had a whole fight with me about the word not meaning that and that you could totally be a capitalist supporter and a leftist.

        •  Liz   ( @Liz@midwest.social ) 
          72 months ago

          It really depends who you’re talking to. That’s the big problem with political buzz words. If Jordan Peterson called me a leftist it basically means that I don’t think dominating others is good. If someone on lemmy.ml called me a leftist, they’re probably assuming I agree with a bunch of theory I’ve never even heard of.

            • I agree. Thanks to conservatism worldwide, leftist has become not a set definition but a term denoting relative ideological standing. Anything other than far-right is proclaimed as “extremist Communist socialism”, which is on its face hilarious but also letting idiots dictate the manner in which we communicate.

              We really have to wrench these terms back and I believe holding fast to and explaining their actual definitions is the foundation of accomplishing this.

              • Full agreement, if we describe positions as vibe-based and not based on what they attempt to accomplish and how, nothing can be reasonably discussed without first defining terms.

            •  Liz   ( @Liz@midwest.social ) 
              22 months ago

              Sure, but the point is that you don’t know how your audience is going to interpret the word leftist when you use it on the internet. Better to use words that have clear meaning or to clarify what you mean when using words that have multiple understandings.

      •  Cowbee   ( @Cowbee@lemmy.ml ) 
        2 months ago

        They craft an image of Marx in their heads because they agree that Capitalism has issues, otherwise they would be on Reddit, but never actually read Marx. That’s the crux of these liberals complaining about Marxists and Anarchists.

        Lemmy.world is allergic to reading theory, basically

        • In a lot of cases, while I am frustrated by them, I don’t entirely fault them.

          Theory is dense and written in an antiquated way since the base of it is over 200 years old. Folks often try to find a summary, which can lead to a whole slew of rightwing disinfo. On top of that, anarchism has been actively maligned in the US since the dismantling of unions in the 1920s and communism has been since the cold war, so people often have to overcome their initial misconceptions before they can even begin to learn.

          • You’re absolutely correct. It’s why I have a Lemmy.ml account in the first place, I want to reach out and feed them theory, or challenge their pre-existing worldviews in a manner that might lead to good discussion. It doesn’t work most of the time, but it has worked in other instances, and that makes it more worth it to me.

            That, or I’m a masochist, lol

      • It’s even worse sometimes, they think the left is a portal that is actually secretly MAGA. It’s what happens when your political opinions are purely vibes based and not founded on any material analysis or reality.

    • Same here. It’s always Lemmy.world and their echo chamber. They are especially idealistic liberals, they can’t stay on Reddit but they also can’t stand leftists, everything is vibes and nothing is material.

      They, right now, are comparing Marxists to Evangelical Christians and are circlejerking about it, lol.

      • They, right now, are comparing Marxists to Evangelical Christians and are circlejerking about it, lol.

        In what way are they comparing the two? Doing a comparison of Marxists against Evangelical Christians could be valid depending on the context of the comparison. Marx had a bit to say on religion’s role in the class struggle.

        • Here is the post in question.

          The crux of the argument is that both Marxism and Christianity see problems in the world, and both Marxists and Christians see a future event “fixing” these problems, and finally that people who don’t agree with these takes are uneducated, equating immaterial religious fervor with historical materialism and class struggle.