• You know, I just realized I don’t think I’d ever seen a picture of Hitler smiling.

      So I looked it up. And there are plenty of them. And he looks…nice. Like, it’s weird. He looks like the fun uncle. He looks like there should be a mockumentary of him where he’s played by Steve Carell.

      • One of the big things they taught us in history lessons was how he came across very charismatic and that he was good at winning people over.

        It’s really important for people to understand and learn in order to not repeat the mistakes of populism, evil people don’t generally go around shouting about how evil they are.

        • Looking at the past 4000 years of human history, starting with the Egyptian Pharaohs:

          Nope. People dont care, people dont learn. Especially when the make a whole display of how much they learned, like Germany does, you should be worried. Behind the facade lies the fascism, like it is currently furthered by most German political parties.

  •  Rivalarrival   ( @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today ) 
    2 months ago

    Mark Kelly.

    Navy Pilot, Navy Captain, Astronaut, Senator, husband of Gabby Giffords, twin brother of Scott Kelly with similar resumé, and he’s only 60. He and his brother can each win two terms and still be younger than Trump is now.

    He also flips red states blue: he’s pretty much the only Democrat who has won anything in Arizona in decades.

  • Those suggesting other candidates should probably address the three issues AOC brought up:

    • Endorsements doesn’t transfer
    • Campaign contributions doesn’t transfer
    • Possible state level shenanigans by GOP to keep candidates chosen after some technicality off ballot

    None of these issues exist if Biden simply steps down.

    • Just to be clear: this post is my way of endorsing Kamala.

      Harris 2024! I’ll certainly end up protesting something terrible she does, but when I do I will very much enjoy not being rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security for it.

    • The truth is, you didn’t need to convince me. I think Biden is a monster. The meme is a set of jokes written in the voice of a mainstream American political pundit, not a genuine reflection of my personal attitudes.

      My personal attitudes are that every US president is a war criminal, and Biden, Bush, Cheney, and Blinken should be hauled off to the international criminal court.

      • One Hitler is attempting to make progress towards education, establishing renewables, fixing the failures of redlining, further investing in farming, protecting natural reserves, alleviate student debt, bring manufacturing state side, holding companies more accountable, having politicians that actually represent their constituents, having a focus on making medication more available and making fairly significant strides in funding for cancer research.

        And well, the other Hitler is attempting to become president for the rest of his life, bury the voices of minority and LGBT voices in the sand and preventing these people from holding cabinet positions, vying for corporate tax write-offs, and campaigning on literal hatred.

        But yeah, both sides are the same for us. None of it matters because both would participate in the war machine.

        Sorry, the idea that Trump would be better for Gaza is literally insane to me. He has said “finish the problem” in support of Israel, so, in fact, no he would not be better. He would be far, far worse. In literally every aspect imaginable. Side note: Biden has been criticized lately for not being present in cabinet meetings. Trump was literally not present at the same ones during his time in office. We are voting for the Presidential Cabinet, not just the President.

        Do we want someone like Betsy DeVoss for Secretary of Education again? Do we really want someone like Scott Pruit for the head of the EPA again? Like come on people, Biden sucks in so many ways but he has a cabinet that at least attempts to be beneficial for people like us. Queer politicians can actually feel safe having a job in the government, and the more of us that exist in politics the more change we can make.

        Edit: Wrote all this before learning Biden has dropped out. Wow!

  • Kamala is literally a Hitler. Woman openly laughs at forced labor prisoner slavery. The difference between the actual nazis and her office as DA is that they targeted blacks and browns instead of jews. Idk why so many cucks are fangirling over her rn

    • This is a common layman misconception. The term “hitler” isn’t actually based on how much the candidate engages in human rights abuses: it’s just a marker of how widely voters recognize them as “hitler-y” (to use the technical term).

      A fun fact: within the field of meme political science it’s recognized that if we did apply a quantitative rubric, ALL of the US Presidents are actually hitlers!

      • I grew up in Oakland, as DA she would put people in prison for weed. These same people were in prison after legalization, and their crimes were not black market dealers or anything like that. Just regular dudes who wanted to smoke up.

        It’s unfortunate. She has not been particularly great at doing what her constituents wanted.


        This article does a pretty good job conveying how her policies were inherently conflicts of interest, but in short, The “Back on Track” program for non-violent first time offenders was primarily for people with weed convictions. The idea is that they would admit to the crime, become a felon, have their record expunged.

        Now, how exactly does non-violent weed crime exists during a time where California has it legalized? And she took a long time to come around on legalization itself. The answer? It doesn’t, she has gotten the nickname “top cop” as a prosecutor and has law enforcement as her main supporters as she lost support from progressive Democrats for her actions.

        Now, I don’t dismiss her entirely, but I’m not entirely trusting of her either. She doesn’t have the history to indicate she would suddenly flip and be super progressive. That said, when she has a conviction, she does stick to it. Early in her career as district attorney she vehemently opposed and fought against the death penalty - to which Diane Feinsteinn criticized and said she wouldn’t have supported her had she known this.

        All this to say - she has accomplished a great deal, but it has been because of how many she has thrown under the bus. That makes it difficult to trust that we wouldn’t just be thrown under the bus again.

        Edit: Wrote all this before learning Biden dropped out. Wow!

      • https://prospect.org/justice/how-kamala-harris-fought-to-keep-nonviolent-prisoners-locked-up/

        She repeatedly fought to keep non violent criminals locked up in inhumane conditions explicitly for their labor capacity. CA makes big money selling slave labor @ $0.75/hr paid to the inmate.

        She is descended from Jamaican slave owners, probably with slave ancestry mixed in. You’d think it’d be an easy slam dunk win for hee to eradicate slavery in the US but the money too good. She got bought.

    • I’m from Oakland, she’s done a lot of bad stuff for sure. She has also fought against the death penalty for a cop killer though, so it’s only fair to give her credit.

      That said, that was in 2004 and she has done few actions like that since then, moreso supporting the prison industrial complex for sure. I do think calling her Hitler at the moment is too far, she was the first to call for an immediate ceasefire, despite having also said her (Biden-Harris admin) would also give support to Israels military, despite possible disagreements.

      Calling for a ceasefire is important. She may be complicit in many ways, but she is one of the few that has expressed dismay for what is happening to Palestine.