• “You want to… leave the planet? With aliens you just met?”

    Listen, the bar is pretty low. I’ll take my chances and will probably be fine with pretty much anything that isn’t prolonged neglect/indifference or intentional torture. If you make contact after interstellar travel I’m just gonna assume you’re cool and got things covered. And if nothing else you could probably put my brain in a roomba so I can weld in space or something.

    TL;DR it don’t matter, none of this matters.

    • I was having that thought on the way to work. I don’t get paid enough. I’m stressed. The stress makes me anxious and now I’m eating bad and can’t sleep. People have to be encouraged to join unions? Wtf. We could totally Bugs Life this shit and everything would be so much better…

      Or would it? I guess not. We’d mess it up. We would only find more creative and terrible ways to subject, destroy, and hurt. Just to be happy - which isn’t really something you CAN be. You can have happy moments and memories and encounters, but happiness is something you do. Not a magical state you reach.

      Listen I may be high as Fuck, but if I can pretend slash delude myself into moments of happiness while my species pillages the planet and canibalizes itself alive - then yeah. I think any alien would be better than every one of us.

      I’d rather be killed by an Alien then to rot in a pine box

      • I’m pretty sure they could do the “To Serve Man” situation openly with a sign-up sheet. Giving humans good final days would be easy for them. Fixing medical issues, enrichment, no stress, get to see space etc.

        It could even go along with the brain roomba thing I mentioned (or something else like a VR network of brains) as I assume they probably wouldn’t want to eat brains anyways.

        Well, that is until the gov’t stepped in for one reason or another. Give people a choice like that and it’d probably be noticeable for the population even if the aliens gave a wide window for people to change their mind. Society would really need to step up, probably an impossible task even if humanity was given advanced medical technology.

  •  mub   ( @mub@lemmy.ml ) 
    1 year ago

    Until we have physical, undeniable evidence it is all just words. But, the reason I talk out load when I’m alone is for the aliens who might be watching me. I want them to hear my explanations for why I’m worth visiting personally / why I’m reading memes and not building a star gate out a 7 toasters and a mountain bike.

  •  coolin   ( @coolin@lemmy.ml ) 
    31 year ago

    Up above aliens hover Making home movies for the folks back home Of all these creatures who lock up their spirits Drill holes in themselves and live for their secrets

  • Reminds me of the first story in The Martian Chronicles. When the first human astronauts arrive on Mars and go and knock on the doors of the Martian houses the Martians aren’t the least bit interested in this historical occasion and just shut their doors, leaving the astronauts wondering why the Martians aren’t impressed.