I desperately need to read Priory! A Psalm For The Wildbuilt was so good, was short but probably my favorite read of the year! I’ve been meaning to get to the sequel but haven’t managed to find time
I desperately need to read Priory! A Psalm For The Wildbuilt was so good, was short but probably my favorite read of the year! I’ve been meaning to get to the sequel but haven’t managed to find time
Sorry my phone kept giving me a network error when I posted, then it posted like 6 times 😭
Been having a long week myself. I could hardly sleep the last two days and work has been insanely busy. I’ve been spending my weekends doing a second job to try and get out of debt and get experience in a field I want to enter. I am so tired and desperately need a day off, but I feel like if I do, I’ll just be depressed all day. Good luck with your reading! I’ve been reading City of Brass and loving it, hope to get that finished in the next week or so.
Just got a handheld emulator console, been trying some Pokemon rom hacks, Rocket Edition in particular. Been loving it! I’ve sort of lost the patience to sit down and play a longer game, so these handheld games are perfect for sitting down and playing for a bit while I watch a YouTube video. This is also the first time I’ve played Pokemon Pinball and it’s fantastic! I’m kinda terrible though!
Also my coworkers started a minecraft server and it’s been fun going back after years away from minecraft.