Can we leave the thinly veiled spankbank questions to reddit please?
Can we leave the thinly veiled spankbank questions to reddit please?
I’ve def seen conservative talking points about climate change being a myth sold by china to make american manufacturing and such noncompetitive.
If you were going to vote for Trump instead of the libertarian then kind of yes.
Must be an election year, Bernie’s doing things again.
America has gotten more and more individualistic in the sociological sense. Being self sufficient to a ridiculous degree is basically a cult here. Also boomers raised millenials with the expectation of moving out on our own at 18 that was the pressure from our parents.
Thanks Britain!
What stands out the most to me is that no one thought there’d be kids inside until they think to check a classroom almost half an hour into the standoff. It’s the middle of a school day, there are school district police on site. This is awful.
Yeah media is still acting like we’re in an era where political disagreements are still a matter of differing politics instead of the modern issue of completely divergent moralities.
Sometimes I’m hungry and not sober. Nothing is in walking distance and no way in hell would I drive like that so some days I pay too much for junk food despite the drawbacks.
I guess it all depends on how significant significant is. Probably 10k so I don’t have to worry so much about affording an upcoming surgery.
I want all of y’all to remember this whenever you wish the FBI would label the proud boys domestic terrorists. You don’t want the government to have that sort of power.
Just assume anything amazon says is false.
Yep I’ve started getting weird garbled almost images in captchas and it’s just gross that I have to add to an AI training data set just to use a service.
There’s “slow burn” and there’s “these people may not know what fire is”
You know I have software on my PC old enough I can’t run it even in compatibility mode, I’d need to spin up a VM to run it or a pseudoVM like DOSBox, it’s not unheard of it’s not even uncommon.
Apple has repeatedly stressed that they’re privacy focused in the past, while a major departure from that could happen absolutely it feels a bit like borrowing trouble to assume it will happen soon. Google is an advertising company first, microsoft is just a mess, but Apple is a luxury hardware producer, they have minimal reason to damange their reputation in a way that would make those sorts of consumers upset.
Please note that I’m not saying it’s impossible just unlikely in the near future
Honestly I was considering getting one because I could use a nice laptop to do stuff on but 8GB is inexcusably bad so yeah pass
Yep cis-trans isomerism
Trickster god syndrome