Are you just a disagree bot programmed with leftist plattitudes? Cause that is what it seems like
Are you just a disagree bot programmed with leftist plattitudes? Cause that is what it seems like
I may be off base, but adding to that, isn’t the winning out just colonialism coming in with violence in most cases?
You mean Boeing’s screw up. They were the designer/manufacturer of the capsule that had issues. Plus Musk has very little if anything to do with SpaceX engineering or operations (Gwynn Shotwell is in charge of operations). Mostly he just does “Funny” shit like telling engineers to make Starship more pointy.
Other car manufacturers update their cars all the time. Some OTA, some you have to take in to the service center, but that does not mean they don’t do it. The easy to steal Kias is an example of a recent recall that just required a SW update via service center. My ID.4 just got an OTA update last week. Tesla is showing negligence for not updating a service that is still in a lot of vehicles but they don’t actively sell anymore.
FWIW SODO is south of downtown nowadays. Still works, so why change the name.
That was well worth the long read. I especially appreciate the rules of engagement including not going after identities, but techniques. So many “scam busters” tend to target individuals under the guise of getting to the larger organization. That has always weirded me out since it ignores the fact that a lot of those front line scammers are probably just desperate for work and are not the main beneficiaries of these scams.
Target has stated a 5-7% drop in foot traffic since their anti-DEI BS came out (that is when the boycotts initially began). For sure not the only factor, but it is a factor.
You can do both. Short term and long term goals are a thing
Just to add to what alyaza said, not only do boycotts work historically, they are working with Target:
Just because one store is still busy, does not mean it is not working.
Keep Driving has had a lot of my free time. Semi emergent narrative, with rogue lite elements and semi Oregon Trail elements. Amazing soundtrack, great art. Just all around fun game.
Damn, probably not worth a road trip
Oh wow, lol. You don’t happen to be in the Seattle area do ya?
Atomfall is compared to STALKER in the article refernced in the first paragraph. This article is just stating the author disagrees with his coworkers original assessment
CatGenie has been around for a long while and has relatively few exposed moving parts. Plus they have a bunch of sensors to make sure it doesn’t run while a catbis using it. Not too concerned about that particular aspect of the machine, especially since I know people that use it. More concerned with the cleaning solution usage and maintenance
It does keep fewer new Teslas from being sold, which is where Elon makes money. Plus the flyer recommends selling them to companies first, then individual sales. The back of it even recommends trading them in to dealers over selling. No guarantee they will be sold back to individuals soon or at all.
We have 2 litter robot 3s, and one still works if you run it manually. They sell replacement parts, and the one that kinda works has had parts replaced. Just not impressed with the longevity. The litter robot 4 looks more well made, but I am hesitant
That is a good idea, but our laundry is on the foundation. Not really able to add drains there, but under our dishwasher is a good idea
I have a friend with one, and they love it, but I for sure want more opinions. I am not a huge fan of the proprietary cleaning solution, but they don’t find it to be too bad
CatGenie is a particular one that flushes and rinses the litter. It requires a cold water line and a drain
Yeah, I am also confused by the context. Both colums can be desirable traits/skills depending in the job. None of them mean someone is a “rule bending narcissist.”