The one that got me I to Gundam was Wing Zero from Endless Waltz, so I have a huge soft spot for that one. Other ones I really love are Unicorn, Barbatos, and GP-01.
Outside Of Gundam, I like Laevatein from Full Metal Panic, the designs of the Flight Units from Nier Automata, and GaoGaiGar.
Really looking forward to Armored Core 6!
Sprites are at the bottom right of the menu! :D
Adding onto this a little bit, An hobby knife like an X-Acto works well to remove the remaining tabs from the sprue, but risks are a higher chance of cutting yourself and gouging out too much plastic in the part.
I personally use files for finishing touches. I use those GodHand nippers to cut the part off the sprue, intentionally leaving a good amount remaining flash. I go back in with the nippers to cut off the flash and use a coarse file to smooth out the blemish, and a fine nail buffing file to get a smooth surface.
For some of the younger people I help out with kits, I tell them to use even a nail clipper to remove the flash and it has pretty decent results!
A fine-line sharpie is a great beginner’s tool for panel lining! It’s a very basic trick to really make a kit pop and a great starting point for going beyond a straight build. They have dedicated paints and markers for this but a fine-line sharpie works. Go over the details engraved into the parts with it, and wipe away excess with some rubbing alcohol on a towel.
Good luck!
Video I recommend : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOmZbU1i90E
Example of panel lining comparison :
Heart&Slash! A simple hack 'n slash roguelike with a really good aesthetic and soundtrack
Thank you!
Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMk1wBPiUIo
Sakanaction - New Treasure Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIlZCmETvsY
Gorillaz - Silent Running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Pf48RqSsg
Monster by Naoki Urasawa is one I always recommend. My favorite franchise is Mobile Suit Gundam, and The Origin by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko is a good way to get into the franchise, but I understand mecha isn’t for everyone.
Final Fantasy XIV. I’m so excited to hear what Masayoshi Soken will cook up next. Other ones to mention are Guilty Gear Strive, MegaMan X and Zero series, and The World Ends With You.
Here’s my RG Nu and Sazabi!
I had some issues finding Aerial at local hobby stores and online for a while, but then I found 3 just casually sitting on a shelf at Target! Good luck with your search. I’m still trying to track down an Aerial Rebuild for a reasonable price.
The Steam Deck helps feed my FFXIV addiction.
Hotdogs ARE sandwiches!!