Thank you. I was like “what does voice chat have to do with the value is anything?”
Thank you. I was like “what does voice chat have to do with the value is anything?”
I didn’t know that games were being made with the intention of looking like N64 titles. That’s crazy!
I would love to hear others opinions. We’ve been looking into automatic litter boxes as well. I was under the impression they weren’t worth it until helpful Vancouver vet recommended one.
I’m still not sold yet though.
This was a fun one. Never finished it, but really liked watching the partner play.
Checks out. Nintendo always goes with whatever the most technologically-viable affordable option is. LCDs are cheaper than OLEDs.
Their strength is the innovation that the use with what inexpensive hardware they have.
These puns are re-volt-ing.
Dang that’s crazy.
The fact that they can send them food, water, and air is really great. But over a week in a dark tunnel is still mentally taxing.
I’m going to guess… a place that rhymes with “plaza”
When it’s already really hot? I’m assuming there’s no cold water on hand either.
I mean, maybe a cold shower after. Actually not bad… but not if you’re on a boil water warning. But if you have bottled? Hmm…
Hey that explanation helps. Thanks.
It sounds like Wayland is the new thing and it’s been around long enough that everyone plays well with it, so it’s going to be the default moving forward.
It’s just a plutonian year, so like, it’s a lot of earth-years.
Oooh, I forgot you could stream from your PC to the deck!
Slay the Spire had been in my library a while, waiting for me to pick it up. I’m planning on getting an OLED, excited to try it out.
Not OP, but I appreciate your honesty.
…why? because it sounds like tuna? What am I missing here?
EDIT: OHHH, the next comment told me.
SUCH a good cover. One of my favorites.
When they When they When they When they
At first glance I was like “Oh cool, a Minecraft reference! Wait, zombies destroy villagers, not Frankenstein’s monster… Oh wait, Ohhhh”
'Dangit, lost another kid. Well Margaret we better pop out another one!"