I’ve been thinking about the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell. The extreme form of protest rattled people that oppose the genocide. Genocide supporters used the act as a way to point at service members that don’t support genocide. The people that needed the message of his protest do not care. I contend Aaron Bushnell could have done more by continuing life.
I am not you. I do not know your story. I do know you brighten up my Lemmy feed with your posts. Your message reaches me.
I have a gallows sense of humor about the current systemic issues. I have been watching a police officer patrol the neighborhood in a SUV with a massive rack of lights on top. Welcome to the future, I suppose.
Politically, “power to” is important to me. I feel empowered knowing that I have the “power to” end my life, but have chosen not to, because we are stronger together in the fight against over-policing and the heirarchical power structures that use forms of violence to restrict our “power to” do things.
I medicate with music. Since you are already in a dark place, here is music I medicate with to feel empowered when I am reaching the end of my rope. It is not what you would get from a crisis line.
This life is fucked, this life is shit We never even asked for it So with that I’ll do what I please Spray my brains all over the trees Only thing waiting on the other side Is six feet of dirt, there’s no surprise to hide
- Give Up / Vas a Morir by Akil Godsey of End It
And if I die as a partisan, oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao and if I die as a partisan then you must bury me.
- English translation of Bella Ciao, Italian folk partisan song
Nice to see nerdcore on Lemmy. There’s so much out there, but here’s some variety from the subgenre hackercore.