• More proof it’s more punishment than concern for the baby. To them, sex is a sin unless for procreation and your punishment for having sex for fun or while poor (or sexually assaulted) is that you have to bear the burden because you sinned. They can’t handle their own sexual shit because it’s not allowed to be talked about, so they make us all deal with it. She doesn’t want to have her 3rd baby, but she’s a good Christian woman who can’t say no to her husband, so she has to have it, and she wants other women to have to have it too. The fawning over babies and speaking to the “sacredness of life” is the facade they wear because it sounds more “Christian”.

    Oh that and, male power over women’s bodies. Because, you never know, that mystery pregnancy you got after the club might just be Jesus! Zeus came as coins ffs, so God may appear to the new Mary as rohypnol. Who knows?

  • It’s fascinating that this isn’t something that is always thrown back in the so called “pro life” person’s face. They’re only pro birth. They don’t care if the baby that comes out is fed, clothed, housed, eventually educated, etc. Or at least, they don’t believe there’s any collective responsibility to take care of that baby.

        • The problem is there is a completely different perspective here. I dont want politicians to give people things like welfare not because I hate people, but because I think it turns them into dependents, and I think it actively harms them.

            • Its too big or a job for a politian to manage, it has to be run well at the street level.

              Going to the doctor is a bad analogy, it would be more apt to compare it to someone taking pain medication because their back hurts, and they get hooked on the pain pills, but the reason their back hurts is because they are morbidly obese. We need to go after the problem, not enable the problem.

              • That is true we need to fix the problem. So in your analogy you would’ve stopped giving the person pain medication?

                And how is the person crippled by pain supposed to stand, walk or excercise without pain medication?

                I get it addition to pain medication is bad. I would assume most people know that, even those addicted. But the alternative is those people succumbing to pain, which would prevent any improvments.

                Hence, yes I agree. Just throwing around money is not going to be the solution, but so is also not giving any.

  • There are two completely separate issues that dont make sense to combine unless you just want to use it as a weapon. The question is if the fetus is “sacred” and deserves rights, if so then you cant kill it.

    • Bullshit. You can’t deem life “sacred” for fetuses while completely ignoring the existing lives that are snuffed out, violated, exploited, etc. How can life be sacred at birth without life as a whole being sacred as a prerequisite?

      And yet, we ignore the fact that there are children who literally don’t get to eat food every day in a country that calls itself the greatest on earth… Children who can’t access healthcare, children who die in shootings, children who die because people won’t vaccinate their own kids, children who commit suicide feeling they can’t be accepted. Are their lives no longer sacred, now that they’ve emerged from the womb?

      If potential life is being considered as sacred, then existing life must first be considered sacred.

  • I know someone with 11 kids and 3 grandkids. He only just received a raise to ~50k which is more than he’s made in his entire adult life. I know many people in similar situations including my own family. While it may be a struggle, children can be raised when household income is at or below poverty level. Don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Money (or lack there of) will never justify killing a child.

    At a bare minimum there is adoption. Thousands of couples can’t conceive and would love to adopt.

    • Adoption is not the silver bullet people seem to think it is. If the baby isn’t white, or has health problems, there’s a much higher chance they’ll end up in the foster care system.

      Separately, carrying a pregnancy and giving birth are extremely dangerous. Depending on which state you look at, American women face the highest maternal death rate in the developed world. Also, the leading cause of death of pregnant women in America is intimate partner homicide, and intimate partner violence frequently escalates during pregnancy. How does adoption fix those problems?

      •  Manmoth   ( @Manmoth@lemmy.ml ) 
        6 months ago

        Uncertainty and risk are ever present and bringing a child into adverse circumstances is scary. I don’t have any silver bullets to address the multitude of problems you listed. I do know, however, that if we treat every human life as precious, in utero and out, child and adult, that we will live in a better world. If we live in the truthful acknowledgment of the sanctity of life then we will have to forge a better future for the children that are deserving of their chance in life no matter what hardship awaits them. Our judgment is imperfect and shouldn’t dictate whether anyone, particularly an innocent, dies.

        • Then you and the people that agree with you on what constitutes the beginning of human life need to be fighting tooth and nail for social services and social welfare programs to support people before, during, and after pregnancy/birth. “Life begins at conception” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” are fundamentally opposing ideals unless they are only backed by cruelty, cognitive dissonance, and hate.

          If you truly believe that all life is sacred, and that life begins with conception, you need to be turning around and fighting the people beside you on the importance of supporting the humans that are outside the womb.