Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

If I told you the SHA256 for this sentence starts with 'c, 5, four, a, and a', would you believe me?

  • 96 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2022


  • Interesting discussion and question, thanks!

    I am a reformed catholic. Raised as and confirmed Catholic, but as I’ve gotten older and more rebellious I’ve seen nothing but problems with religion. That is, I am not nor ever been an atheist, but I don’t believe in any man-made religion as truth. They’re shams to take your money; and some do some good for others. I am spiritual and believe in something greater than all of us. Maybe not the puppetmaster, but I feel there is some underlying driving connection and cosmic force we cannot explain or ignore. Your God? My God? Who knows, I do not claim to. But I feel it there and I feel better for it.