Yeah that would complicate things. Can’t exactly trust kids with secrets. Maybe you don’t have a partner right now but at least you have us here to cheer you up!
Things will eventually get better. It’s cheesy and not always the case for everyone, but it can.
Now if you’re worried about this in the future, start trying to become as self-sufficient as you can. Save up your money and really start learning some skills. Maybe gardening or wood working (or something that actually interests you.)
Definitely learn cooking and laundry if you haven’t already. Sewing is good, too. Even if you only know how to sew buttons back on!
Could you go into a bit more detail about what specifically doesn’t work? I want to take notes and see what I can do to make it better.
Haha, yes years. As in it started as a micro-story assignment in college. It sat on my google drive for 4 years so I decided to flesh it out. It’s not necessarily something I normally like to write. But for some reason I just can’t stop nudging it, come back to it to edit or add/remove every so often. It’s not a constant 4 years of working on one small short story! That’s nuts lol.