Holy shit. I’d ask why he wasn’t arrested, but sadly it’s obvious.
He / They
Holy shit. I’d ask why he wasn’t arrested, but sadly it’s obvious.
Who is going to learn from this?
This video is blowing up, so it’s not like only Beehaw users are going to see it. Plenty of Centrists and neolib democrats are seeing this behavior, and it has the potential to disabuse them of the notion that the US government is good. Will some of them look at it and just think, “anyone but Trump and this wouldn’t happen”? Sure, but plenty will realize that this is the same government that did Rodney King, Kent State, Blair Mountain, etc (as well as all the international abuses and evil we enable and perpetrate), and it’s just a matter of time before it turns on them.
So chomping at the bit for “just desserts,”
Once again, saying “look at what they’re actively doing to you right now, that’s what they’ve been doing to us non-Americans all along”, is not advocating or wishing for that abuse, it’s advocating and wishing for people to wake up to the abuse.
I don’t think they advocated for it, I think they said, “now that you have it, learn from it”.
I was going to mention GameStop (I think most of us got it for ‘free’ with our GameStop trade-in subscription thing), but I couldn’t remember if it was always owned by them, or if they just bought it after it was big.
I’ll preface this with saying that I’m half-German, half-Mexican, who is “white”/ white-passing (and who has pro-Trump hispanic family members).
But “white” is still not real. It’s still a homogenizing social force, and not a singular culture.
In my experience, “White” is just a tool for otherization. It’s definition has historically changed to include or exclude purely to serve the purposes of whoever is weaponizing it at any given moment. Are Jewish people white? Irish? Italians? Catholics? I’ve personally heard all 4 of those called “not white” by other white people, and it made me realize that there is no fixed definition.
Obviously in your day-to-day interactions, your ability to visually “pass” as white is what will prompt other (usually, but sadly not always white) people to give you privileged treatment, but the moment a self-identifying white group needs to attack someone, they will adopt a rigid definition. “White” as a word works best for this precisely because there is no objective definition. “European-American” can’t be used by white-passing hispanics (or at least, it wouldn’t be) to justify colorism or racism. It can’t be used to exclude Europe-originating Jewish people.
Some calls for the dismantling of whiteness
Whiteness/ white supremacy is not something you can dismantle, unless you purely mean institutionalized whiteness. Whiteness is not the only supremacist ideology, it just enjoyed far more ‘support’ and growth due to its ability to absorb new groups due to not being rigidly, objectively definable. There’s a reason that you see “white-passing” hispanics voting for Trump in Florida, and its because they like the privilege they think they gain over non white-passing immigrants.
The problem with privilege is that you can’t “opt out” of how someone else treats you, except in the most blatantly egregious ways (e.g. if a white cashier allowed you as the only other white person in a cafe to come to the front of the line, you could/should decline). Just calling myself “German-Mexican” won’t stop this either. The only way to dismantle whiteness/ white privilege/ white supremacy is to lessen the influence of the people who propagate it until whatever privileged treatment they enact no longer has the ability to result in institutionalized systems of privilege, or create statistically-noticeable economic differences.
Basically, stop electing white people, white people. And stop excusing or ignoring assholes, everyone.
It was the game news source in print media, for many years. It often used to come with demos on a CD in the back of the magazine, so it was also the best way to try games for yourself.
I don’t think they’ll ever get back there, if only because honestly having a magazine to read was better than a website, imo, but I’m always tentatively hopeful to have another reputable news source in the gaming space.
social media
Well there’s your problem! Honestly, other than Beehaw I don’t have any digital comms apart from texting, and none of my friends or family are here. It’s so much nicer than when I had Instagram, or even much further back, Facebook.
There’s a lot of insider talk in tech about moving back to colo or to hybrid cloud, away from cloud-native.
The lock-in, the bloat, the over-complexity… convincing companies that they needed to be prepared to “hyperscale” because they totally absolutely definitely were about to go unicorn overnight was just a scam.
I wouldn’t do this, but I also don’t care if someone does. We already have laws that cover harassment or assault or property damage if someone misuses this information, and we also have phone books and Internet people search tools that will surface this information already.
OSINT should never be (and almost never is) illegal.
No recommendation for electric Minis? :(
Yeah, I get strong tankie vibes off them. There is a big difference between saying, “I’m not voting for Dems because they won’t stop Republicans”, and saying, “I’m glad Dems lost (to Republicans)”. They seemingly have more animosity towards neolib Dems than actual fascists.
You think Biden was going to what? Fire her 2 months before the election? She had literally nothing forcing her to stay Biden’s course. She’s also not beholden to her VP role while campaigning.
Even for a neoliberal centrist, I’m shocked Newsom is making this stance public. He’d have been better off just not saying anything. FFS
We need a new party for the progressive Left, assuming we ever get another real election.
Not worried about KSA kicking down my door, so sounds good!
So, Musk or Trump did insider trading, basically.
There are difficult choices that have to be made. Choices about who we are and who we want to be when the world is in crisis and people’s lives and freedoms are at risk.
It’s easy to laugh at people who “choose the mountain” - deliberately making their lives harder and more complicated to pursue their values. We laugh because we’ve been taught, we’ve been convinced that sincerity and idealism are cringeworthy, embarrassing to the point of pornographic discomfort.
But that cynicism didn’t help us stave off the last gasps of bigoted, white supremacist power, and it won’t help us fight against it.
We need the idealism that pushes ordinary people to make better decisions and stick to them.
Yes, even if that looks like switching email providers.
No notes!
They mean to leave a dissenting comment.
Yeah, for sure, but I don’t want to be Brin, I want a llama farm. 🦙
Give me a salary that guarantees $1 million a year post-tax, and I’ll do it for a couple of years until I’ve saved up for a seaside llama farm I can fuck off to. But even at Google, almost no one is making that as an “IC”.
Not a question, but you can probably appreciate this: I got to see Juno Reactor as the closing show at DefCon several years back, and they were AWESOME. Ridiculously good performance, very theatrical. Only concert I’ve been to that topped it was MCR. ;)