That’s a Bingo!
That’s a Bingo!
Monkey Island!
Green bunny with a gun.
Yeah, I think we are pretty much in agreement. We will see how the instances without downvoting turns out over time. Thats the beauty of federated services I guess, its just a small part of the whole ecosystem.
Hunt might be one of my favorite games ever and the fact that the sound design is interwoven with the gameplay so perfectly is one of the reasons. Also all of the guns sound amazing.
And because you can be a bit slower and ‘tactical’ (not sure if this is the right word) than in most MP FPSes means even an old fart like myself can enjoy it. It doesn’t quite center around being fast at clicking on enemies heads as much as more fast paced shooters does.
Have you tried logging in to Beehaw? I never got my confirmation email, I just tried logging in after a few hours and it just worked.
I’m torn on the whole no downvote button thing (I missed that when I signed up), but you can be still nice while having a discussion and disagreeing with people.
I would argue that the downvote button can lead to exactly what you are describing though, no disagreement or conflict.
Someone posts a unpopular opinion, a bunch of users downvote it to hell and poof!, no discussion or exchange of ideas. Just out of mind, out of sight.
Nice. I didn’t know about that option.
Edit: The setting is also avaliable on the jerboa android app and it is tied to your profile so it carried over which is convenient.
Ok, so I don’t like most anime I tried watching, but as you described it as not very anime, I looked it up and it seemed kinda neat. I borrowed the first season from the internet and just watched the first two episodes.
So far it’s really good, thanks a bunch for the rec! I would never have found this show and given it a chance on my own.
Also when I looked it up I saw it described as hard science fiction. Never heard that term before. After some cursory research I think this might be the kind of sci-fi for me.
I’ll keep that in mind and make sure to not give up on it to early if it doesn’t grab me at first.
Point taken. Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out.
No spoilers I hope?
Another great reply! Thanks man!
This show does seem like my kinda deal. I don’t think I will mind the effects. If being honest I kinda hoped there wouldn’t be any space battles in it. Not to many I hope. I am really looking for more of a drama than a action show.
Is there any kind of “slice-of-life onboard the station” elements in it. The thing that stuck out to me in the snippet I read about the show was that it portrayed how individuals were affected by bigger events in the story.
I think I’ll check out DS9 too. One thing I learned is when people describe movies and shows as “a little slow” I tend to like them.
I’m gonna give it a go. I can handle cheap looking. It’s more often the shallow storylines and writing in '90s shows that scare me away. In the post I said acting but I think its more about the dialog and writing in general that tend to be a turn off for me.
Woah, did not expect such thorough answer, thanks for taking the time!
And your last paragraph definitely convinced me to give it a chance. No “good guys” and not set in a utopia is right up my alley.
Also had no idea about the DS9 connection. I have heard the name before but had no idea it took place on a space station. Kinda crazy that there is a post about that show on this tiny community from just a few hours ago.
No karma!? Did not know that. That sound excellent, hmm maybe I should join this thing… Seriously though, this post made me sign up. Who knows, maybe I will actually contribute to the community.
In this case a reply informing you about the missunderstanding would also work. My hope is that one of the people downvoting will take the time to do that when there is no downvote button.