The basic $6/month option should work. You could probably run several sites on one.
A tech enthusiast and birder.
The basic $6/month option should work. You could probably run several sites on one.
Digital Ocean Droplet, Wordpress (with Generate Press block theme), Self-hosted Plausible Analytics for traffic stats.
I have been using Kagi for a month. Really liking it so far! I just subscribed to their basic plan. Much better results than DDG.
Birds were the only redeeming factor at this point!
I have core gaming memories as a child playing Myst and Riven on my dad’s computers. I love this series so much.
Riven is a great game and this remake will hopefully introduce new people to it.
Why can’t we have anything nice???
The Slummies!
✨ Black highlighter magic! ✨
I really want to try this out, but there isn’t MacOS Safari support. :(
I got to the Google maps step and was like screw this!
I choose to believe smoking cats.
Was the previous owner a smoker?
Did you know you can put them in your mouth?
I love BOI. What a fun combination!
It’s a goddamn bop!!
That would be so amazing! I’d love to just accomplish this without any third-party dependency.
I have the ability to fire javascript on specific pages on my site, so this sounds like it may work!
For the benefit of the wider internet, I’ll include the details of my triggers and tags here, but I’m going to DM you and send you the same details. Not sure how inter-instance DMing will work on Lemmy, so this is a fallback.
This is how I have the tags and triggers configured in GTM currently:
#1 Trigger: click class = single_add_to_cart_button button alt
Tag: <script> plausible(‘Affiliate Click’, {props: {product: document.title}}); </script>
#2 Trigger: Click Text matches RegEx (ignore case) view on etsy|view on amazon|view on society6
Tag: <<script> plausible(‘Affiliate Click’, {props: {product: document.title}}); </script>
I loved Uhoh, HIFTB, Claws, Revelations, and Castle in the Sky.
As a huge fan, I’m excited she’s finally got her “first” album out there. I do think there is a bit of a disconnect with the cover art/name and the overall sound of the album but I’m grateful it’s finally out! I hope she continues to see success and releases music that makes her happy.
There are so many! The PlayDate and some of the clamshell ones look really neat!