• 22 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2023


  • Le casque de réalité mixte d’Apple génère un grand engouement auprès d’une partie de la population, surtout les hommes fans de technologie. Du côté des femmes en revanche, l’attention semble minime, voire inexistante. Pourquoi ce produit semble-t-il tant segmenter ?

    Le fait que ça soit basé sur aucune source à part “son ressenti” c’est un peu ridicule. Vraiment, c’est analyser tous les aspects de la vie sous le prisme du genre des gens ce qui est, au final un peu sexiste, comme ce qu’ils dénoncent.

    EDIT: bien sûr que pour chaque tech il y a de l’abus | en plus, c’est même pas un casque de réalité mixte ils disent de la merde en plus

  • Buy a tiny house, put all my music stuff in it, invite some friends and make some synthwave.

    Then, boot up Linux, contribute to open-source and reach the highest level of masteries of the C programming language arcanes.

    At night, buy good groceries from the store to make super good food and then DM my roleplaying game campaign for my friends and go to bed after a full filling day of meaningful work.

    Then try to visit the world, meet people, make friends, talk do stuff and repeat.

    I want to work, but work on meaningful stuff.

  • I’m in the french high school system which are very long working days (which is normal) on uninteresting things with teachers that hate teaching, and classmates with endearing stories but questionable sex lives of which they talk way too much.

    In all this shallowness, I have no energy when I get back at home, after doing my shitty math homework, to even boot up my laptop to work on my coding project.

    It’s constantly fighting your mind that tells you that there’s more to life, that you should not waste your time with such a poor experience.

    But you don’t have self-determination, you just have the responsibilities of going there, putting down a smile, and get fingered for good grades to go to a shitty engineering school teaching Java from 2008 and then work at a shit ass computing job where you’re the genius computer guy installing Adobe Reader on everyone’s PC.