The goji were from Baker Creek seeds this year, but next year it’ll be from cuttings. I thought I killed all the goji I got as cuttings last year, but one was just hiding under the chicory. Cuttings apparently start fruiting a year or two faster, and I’ll need to hack it back in the Winter anyway, so win-win.
Chard is totally underrated, both as food and an ornamental. I grow red chard, and in the late fall it turns the most unearthly dark-green/purple with glowing red veins. I keep the pink chard towards the front of the garden because it looks like someone’s goofing around with the saturation, but in real life. I also grow white chard (Lucullus) for eating, and last year the leaves were delicious the whole Summer here in the high desert and literally the size of my five year old. Like, the entire kid. In the Winter some of the outer leaves die off, but the bulk survives, so it’s great for visual interest in the front yard during the cold months. Big fan of chard
I was vegetarian for 11 years, fully plant based for 2, and I did cook meat at events with people who ate meat. No demographic is a singularity, though, and there are many veggie folk who wouldn’t, either on ethical grounds or on grounds of having no bloody clue how to cook meat properly.