Nothing. Out of all the ‘friends’ I had on there, only a handful were ones that are irl mates and I have their numbers. We text occaisionally.
Nothing. Out of all the ‘friends’ I had on there, only a handful were ones that are irl mates and I have their numbers. We text occaisionally.
Those FW Prices will probably put a stop to any plans for me to play that as and when it releases.
Booze, weed and pills although pills were a rarity, weed became habitual and booze was infrequent but overdone when I did.
Can’t kick nicotine it seems though and I don’t really care.
The Puscifer live albums that released during lockdown and Slayer - Decade of Aggression
Half Life. Final boss fight. Not enough ammo and I couldn’t be bothered to go several hours of saves back to replay and conserve ammo.
Bands that have one point or another been played on repeat depending on the album.
I’ve found that my enjoyment in gaming started to wain last September and by April this year I completely stopped. I’ve tried a couple of games I used to really enjoy but get nothing from them. Nothing recently has grabbed me. There are a couple coming that I might try but overall I’ve switched to watching old shows like Star Trek and X- Files and reading.
Will see what the new Trek FPS as the story is apparently very good and the upcoming Trek Stellaris type game are like but honestly I’m not holding out much hope.
There was one called F.E.A.R that fits the bill
The movie they made the ‘12’ rating for in the UK. A nice memory of going to the Showcase cinema to see this.
I think it’s beyond my ludite smooth brain 😂
Is there an ELIF version of the instructions? Do I need to install all the things linked on the page? Just some? Just one?
I’ve only reread a couple. Ghost Story by Peter Straub and I am re reading the Malazan series so I can finish the last three books without being too lost.
Generally I enjoy the experience of reading a new story and rereading I end up a bit bored.
Episode 4,5 and 6 are great. The Prequels were a mess and visually did not fit, story was dreadful and George should have been shoo’d away.
The sequels are some of the worst cinema ever, and I have seen Vampire Trailer Park in full as well as the full, uncut version of Pink Flamingos.
Mine is probably that Philip K Dick is seriously overrated. Great ideas. Terrible writing.
I’m with you on this. We’ve had the end. Tied up quite nicely and now let’s move on to new stories, new crews, new eras.
I’ll obviously watch it if it did happen but I would rather it didn’t.
Star Trek TNG and DS9. Brings back a lot of fond feelings and is my TV hug.
Yes. 7 years. I stopped because I was a horrendous binge drinker. The first year was the most challenging but after about 18 months I was able to have a non alcoholic beer once in a while to take the edge off. I would say I get the urge maybe once or twice a year now but it’s more of a ‘Oooh, that would be nice’ but I know it’s a slippery slope back if I do have one.
Overall, much happier and I wish I’d stopped sooner but I can’t change the past.
Mine is a rollercoaster of emotions that will hopefully settle soon. And very muggy weather that is leading to some very poor sleep.
However on the positive side if things I am enjoying my first ever rewatch since the original airing of The X-Files and reading The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwyne and it’s really bloody good.
From the article “The trial will not start immediately and is expected to take several years.”
What an absolute cunt of a human being.