yeah, i did with my last partner too but i wouldn’t exactly recommend it as the first option considering how unsafe it was & some of the experiences my friends have had up there
reclusive techie zoomer
discord: @chris.0666 (ping me in the beehaw server if you want to say hi :) )
yeah, i did with my last partner too but i wouldn’t exactly recommend it as the first option considering how unsafe it was & some of the experiences my friends have had up there
Gotta love how the republicans try to make it seem like theyre giving you freedom of choice. If they really wanted to lift the burden of paid insurance companies and offer choice they would offer a public government option to people.
well said, & exactly what i was thinking when i first saw the headline & saw that this act was called “CHOICE” 🙄 it’s funny how the only time we see the words “freedom” or “choice” in a republican legislation is when they’re trying to take one of those away from us
Theres also fear mongering about them taking away smokers, grills, and firepits which I cant find anything other than right wing sites mentioning it cause “california did it” but then when I google california they didnt lose their grills either.
it’s seriously concerning how little the modern republican will do any sort of research before believing whatever article/post they’ll see. the last time i talked to one, i realized that ~75% of their perception of “leftist states” are completely false & just from random articles strewn across the internet. their perception of california is so unrealistic it may as well just be an alternate reality
man, the whole elon musk/twitter situation seems less & less real the more it plays out
i mean, i agree that we should do something about healthcare prices & that obamacare is not faring so well right now. but trying to make it easier to get junk healthcare plans without doing anything about decreasing the price of full-fledged healthcare plans will just make things worse, & lead to a situation where low-income people are priced out of even being able to afford a full healthcare plan & forced to either default to these “short-term”/association plans or not have any at all
saw this earlier from an old twitter tab, thought my browser had been hijacked with some extension. what an amateurish logo, looks like what a tiny business puts up on their wordpress when they have no designers & are only making a logo because they have to, definitely not what i’d expect from one of the biggest social media sites in the world. elon has been fixated on the whole x thing for literal decades now & that’s the best logo he came up with?
genocide? you mean innovation-
yeah i’ve come not to expect anything good from modern netflix, not just with documentaries but in general. the only reason i still have access is because of password sharing but even then i still never watch & it’s free lmao
sorry that happened, people suck :( don’t let it make you quit the internet, that person was most definitely in the wrong & just being an overzealous bully. you just have to remember with those people, they’re almost surely being abusive on the internet because they know they’d be absolutely ostracized in real life, that is if they haven’t already.
anyway, to answer the question, i don’t. in the old days i used to argue back & forth with them but now i simply stay away from them entirely. i don’t even use sites filled with jerks anymore (or, if i do, i stay away from every user post or comments section in sight). in fact, the internet being filled with jerks is a primary reason i mostly stay on the beehaw bubble or just don’t come online these days
:( sorry that happened, what a shitty person
oops, just saw this lol. it’s just an ironic meme that parodies the late 2000’s internet!
nice lmao
i thought i was the only one who knew about this game lol, i agree it’s a very good game & a lot more polished than 2048
yeah i just found this dude a few days ago thanks to a meme, good rapper but his sense of humor is super offensive lmao
thanks, that actually means a lot! it’s not often i’m described as a pillar of anything 😅
welcome! i created my account over a month ago but i agree, this is the most civil & “cozy” site i’ve seen in a while since small niche blogs & forums were actually a thing. places like this have been rare af since the late 2010s, so it’s refreshing to see such a place with this many users
good luck, i hope it goes well!
decent so far, spent all of yesterday with family. hope everyone else is having a good week too. good luck on the book goal @alyaza@beehaw.org & make sure to get some more rest!
thanks for letting me know!
same with reddit too, it was a truly horrific experience lmao